RESOURCES | Practitioners
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We’ve collected up a number of resources that are helpful for health care practitioners who are interested in learning more about fall prevention. We are currently adding to this list, so check back often.
The new ‘fall prevention’ guideline intended for primary care practitioners, addresses the evidence-based approach for identification and management of falls risk among community-dwelling older adults.
This guideline facilitates individualized assessment for risk of falling and provides tools (including simple one-minute screening) to manage risk factors for falls among older adults. View the guideline here.
Seniors’ Fall Prevention Resources (Parachute)
Parachute, the national injury prevention organization, has a comprehensive collection of resources related to seniors’ fall prevention.
Fall Prevention & You (Vancouver Coastal Health)
“Everybody Falls Sometime”: An Introduction to the Prevention of Falls and Injuries in Long-Term Care
A 7-minute film that provides insight into falls in long term care settings. This film features interviews with older adults who have experienced falls, and the long-term care staff who work to prevent them.
Evidence from Real-Life Falls: How to Manage Risk and Prevent Injuries in Long-Term Care
A 12-minute film that showcases four fall case studies. These are presented by fall injury experts and are accompanied by video-captured footage of falls. This film highlights evidence-based practice recommendations.
Aging is a Contact Sport – Hip Protector Education
In addition to the video below, you can also visit to learn more about hip protectors. Looking for research about hip protectors? Visit our research section for more information.